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The Indoor Air Quality Star Rating™ Standard

Why Air Matters For Your Sector

 Increasing covers, occupancy, satisfaction ratings or productivity….

Whatever your goal, indoor air quality is arguably your most powerful untapped resource!


Food & Beverages

Fact: The concentration of ground-level ozone (o3) has a significant impact on diners’ satisfaction as well as how much they spend.
Research by Beijing University and Yale proved with all other factors equal, diners rated their satisfaction after a meal significantly lower when ozone was present. It also showed diners typically spent less money.
For more on why indoor air quality is important, click here 

In addition to the health benefits of cleaner air, cleanliness has been proven to be a key influencer when customers decide where to visit.

Many establishments react by cleaning surfaces more frequently, which can increase airborne toxins found in cleaning agents, such as VOCs (volatile organic compounds), actually making a venue less healthy.

An independent AirZonesAir Quality Star Rating demonstrates to your customers that you have the cleanest, safest venues in which they and their family can spend time, attracting more customers, spend and profit.


Hospitality & Wellness

Fact: 92% of guests rate cleanliness as the most important factor when choosing where to visit and stay.
Tripadvisor surveyed guests through 2020 and 21, finding that as well as being clean and safe, independent certificates and adherence to standards was crucial in determining where they booked to stay.
For more on why indoor air quality is important, click here

As well as increasing occupancy rates, good air quality significantly impacts customers’ satisfaction/sentiment as well as spend. Separate studies by Beijing University and Yale showed increased ground-level ozone (o3) and respirable particulate matter (PM2.5) decreased customers’ satisfaction/ sentiment ratings as well as spend.

An independent AirZonesAir Quality Star Rating demonstrates to your customers that you have the cleanest, safest venues in which they and their family can spend time, attracting more customers, spend and profit.

OFFICES, BANKS, HOME-OFFICE, SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES, NURSERIEs, estate agents, commercial landlords…

Commercial Office & Education

Fact: Harvard research demonstrated that increased levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon dioxide (CO2) decreased nine core cognitive functions, including decision making, strategising and concentration. Better air quality increases productivity across all metrics.
For more on why indoor air quality is important, click here

In schools, decreasing air pollution levels by 20% can improve a child’s working memory by 6%, which represents four weeks learning time per year (research by Philips Foundation and the University of Manchester).

Monitoring, improving and publishing indoor air quality in commercial buildings and schools increases learning, productivity and talent attraction; equally important for the home office and home schooling.

AirZonesworks with you to improve air quality and improve productivity, employee / pupil engagement and test results whilst our Indoor Air Quality Star Rating proves this to your customers and employees.
We offer the same services for home offices, ensuring you realise the same results wherever your team work, study, learn and develop.


Government & Healthcare

Fact: Air pollution is the world’s largest health threat (UN & WHO) and globally costs an estimated $225bn per year in healthcare and lost productivity. This equates to an estimated cost of over $1bn for the UAE.
For more on why indoor air quality is important, click here

As well as saving lives, reducing disease and increasing productivity, health, wellbeing and societal happiness, good air quality is linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the Dubai 2040 Urban Development Plan.

AirZonesoffers the first independent Air Quality Star Rating, demonstrating to consumers which are the cleanest, safest venues in Dubai, encouraging businesses to address air quality for the benefit of all.
Being independent means we’re not biased towards specific manufacturers or solutions, we can truly make a difference to the health of everyone across Dubai.

Get your AirZones

Air Quality Star Rating now

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